ONAD Activities include
Basic Nonviolence workshop (BNVW).
This workshop aims to introduce participants to the concepts, principles and methods of nonviolence. Participants reflect on their local context, learn from experiences of other people who have used nonviolent methods to transform conflicts and injustice to better life. Do you want to better understand and apply how nonviolence can change lives and build a peaceful society? Then you need to register for this workshop.
Nonviolence training of trainers (NVTOT).
This is a 10-day training in nonviolence and capacity building as trainer and facilitator in nonviolence. The participant of this training, acquires both knowledge and practical skills in nonviolence to transform conflicts and to achieve a just and sustainable peace. This training is being facilitated by experienced trainers from ONAD, SweFOR-Sweden and the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America (BPFNA), Canada.
Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP).
Alternatives to Violence Project is a participatory, experience-based workshop that lasts for 3 days. It was first developed in 1975 by Quakers in the context of the Bronx prison in New York. Since then, its workshops have spread to different contexts all over the world. Basis of the workshop is to create space for what is called “transforming power”, and look at possibilities on how each of us can help to transform our conflicts in a nonviolent way. The model of the workshops, that are based on a sequence of one basic (see picture above from a Basic Workshop), two advanced and one training of facilitators workshop. Target groups are community leaders, students, members of CBOs and NGOs, women’s groups, ex-combatants, street children and ex-child soldiers, prison inmates, internally displaced people (in the North), as well as returnees and people of receiving communities (in the South).
ONAD also hosts AVP Facilitators Forum South Sudan an informal body affiliated to AVP International. The group comprises of AVP facilitators and meets once every year to coordinate its activities.
Nonviolence and Interfaith Dialogue (NVIFD).
Almost all religions believe and have nonviolence basis in their religious sources (the Holy Bible, Quran…etc). Nonviolence and Interfaith Dialogue seeks to promote religious tolerance and celebrate religious diversity as strength. It challenges religious leaders and members of the civil society to commit to dialogue and work to promote peace as a way of life.
Nonviolent Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding (NVCTPB).
Do you want to better understand the root-causes of the conflict, map local actors, identify connectors and dividers and lay community based approach to prevent and manage potential conflicts, then this workshop is for you. The workshop acts as a consultative forum for the conflict parties to analyze the conflict, suggest the best ways for dialogue, building and sustaining a positive peace.
Basic workshop in trauma healing and counseling.
This is a 3 day workshop that aims to introduce participants to understand the basics of trauma, its definition, symptoms, types and how to deal with trauma. It gives an opportunity for individuals and members of the community to deal with their trauma, recover and get reconciled with others.
School of Democracy (SOD).
School of democracy is a 10 day training cycle (formerly lasts for 30 days) meant to connect the grassroots civil society activists with local government, members of political parties and policy makers. Its a platform for dialogue and building trust and responsible citizens who not only look for the outside world as a source of support but critically analyzes the available local resources, how it can better be utilized and equitably shared. The school addresses the issues of; good governance, democracy and leadership, gender and development, ethnicity and conflict, nonviolence, conflict transformation, interfaith dialogue and basics of human rights.
Town Hall style Meeting (THSM).
This is a mobile forum for interaction between members of the community/ civil society with local and elected officials (members of Parliament). It aims to bridge the gap and build trust between the civil society, local government and members of the Parliament. It increases participation of the people in governance processes.
Human Rights Education (HRE).
This workshop aims to educate citizens on their rights and how to resist violations and demand protection and justice.. It equips individuals and members of the communities to be conscious of their rights and that of others. It also empowers individuals to participate in elections and all democratic processes The workshop lasts for 7 days.
Supporting community based self help initiatives (SCSI).
ONAD works to improve skills and confidence of local communities in self-help participatory approaches to development that leads to reduce poverty. This is done through training of community change agents, facilitate formation and management of community self-help groups including; microfinance and Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOS).
Gender Based Violence (GBV) workshop.
This workshop aims to reduce gender based violence through awareness raising, support community policing activities and promote security for both women and men and support establishment of gender desks in police stations. The GBV workshops provides space for better gender analysis to gain more knowledge and insights on gender issues and how to mainstream gender in development.